water photo

September 2020

Monthly 2020
 sighting map

Here is our September map of orca sightings in the Salish Sea, and as you can see, there were a lot of whales around throughout the entire month!

After the Southern Residents were conspicuous only by their total absence in August of this year, J-Pod showed up on September 1 and set the tone for the rest of the month. ALL of the Southern Residents made visits to inland waters, including our first two superpods in Haro Strait in four years. In total, the Southern Residents were present for at least 22 days out of 30 (though with poor visibility due to both smoke and fog, we suspect it may have even been more.)

Bigg's killer whales were also present on all but one day of the month and the Northern Residents made a couple of visits to the Campbell River area. We think this is our most impressive monthly map of 2020!

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